Monday, October 13, 2008

Eww...the view is repulsive

Eww...I just realized the error I made when naming my blog.  I accidentally included "The View" which, of course, means "the perspective".  NOT, NOT, NOT to be confused with the horrid, screeching, train wreck of a show "The View".  My sincere apologies.

I don't know why I'm inspired to start a blog tonight of all nights.  I could not possibly have more things to do...but then again, if not now...when?  I'm really bad about thinking up great things but never getting around to actually doing them. 


I have a 3 year old Girl who is stunningly bright and beautiful, and a gorgeous little 6 month old boy who thrills us everyday with new tricks.  My husband is an EMT and because of his crazy schedule he gets to stay home with the kids a lot.  It's really great for the kids and for him....not a lot of dads get that much exposure to their kids.  I'm so proud of him for being such a great Dad.

What can I say?  I love to cook. I absolutely love to sit down and look through my favorite cookbooks or websites and make a great meal that takes most of the day.  (Not that that happens often, but we're talking dreams here people.)  Right now I'm obsessed with finding the best NY style pizza crust recipes. 

Other Inspirations
Art ~ Creativity ~ Crafts ~ Marketing
More on these topics later.


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